

Office Hours

Office Hours

  • 周一至周四,上午8:30.m.–4:30 p.m.
  • 星期五,上午8:30.m.–4:30 p.m. (星期五远程办公时间)

Email: bus@curvettebrigade.com

Phone: 860.768.5287

成人学术服务 is a general resource for all part-time undergraduates at the 立博体育官网.


  • 兼职大学学习课程,包括艺术副学士 in 文科,大学研究文学学士; Associate in Science and 大学研究文学学士学位 律师助理研究 concentration, and the 大学研究文学学士学位 Montessori Education concentration
  • Certificate programs (post bacc-pre-med, paralegal, and computer science)
  • Beta Psi Alpha chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda, a national honor society for adult part-time students
  • 协调测试和替代信贷选择:CLEP, DSST, 远程考试和LINCS作品集评估项目
  • Providing general information to non-matriculated, part-time students on all undergraduate programs

Please note: If you are a non-matriculated/non-degree student (a student not formally accepted into a degree program) then please reach out to the 学生成功中心.

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your academic goals. 



要了解更多立博网站中文版,请查看我们的 项目资源管理器 and the 研究生课程目录.

 *The University Studies program is for domestic students only as it is not an approved major on the I-17


The 立博体育官网 is accredited by the Board of Higher Education of the state of Connecticut and by the New England Commission of Higher Education. 个别学校和项目有额外的认证. 有关认证的更多立博网站中文版,请 click here.


Graduation honors are awarded to University Studies students who have completed a minimum of 45 credits for a grade in residence at the 立博体育官网. Bachelor's degrees are conferred cum laude on students whose cumulative GPA is 3.25分或以上,累积GPA为3分的学生可获得优等成绩.5分或以上,平均绩点达到3分的学生可获得最优等成绩.75 or above. Courses taken on a pass/no pass basis are not counted towards the 45 credit minimum requirement.

The University Honors program is designed for academically motivated students and offers an enriched curriculum and additional learning experiences. Students completing the honors program requirements will have university honors noted on their diplomas.

欲了解更多立博网站中文版,请访问 大学荣誉课程.

The Alpha Sigma Lambda国家荣誉协会 was established in 1946 to honor superior scholarship and leadership in adult students. 才有资格加入立博体育官网的贝塔·普赛·阿尔法分会, 学生必须具有高级地位, must have earned a minimum of 24 graded semester hours in an undergraduate degree program at the University, 而且平均成绩必须不低于3分.满分4分,5分.0. Eligible students are invited to join and are inducted once a year during the spring.

For more information about the University's Beta Psi Alpha Chapter, contact the chapter coordinator, 凯莉Westenfeld.


The 立博体育官网 allows a limited number of credits from testing and alternative sources of credit to count towards an undergraduate degree. Students should consult with the admissions office and their college evaluator for specific information on their degree programs requirements and limitations.

The American Council on Education evaluates non-academic training programs for college credit equivalency. Training programs, not the University or individual students, initiate requests for evaluation. The 立博体育官网 considers ACE equivalencies when evaluating a non-traditional student for transfer.


CLEP计划, 由普林斯顿大学入学考试委员会开发, is based on the assumption that many people know more than their records of education suggest. 通过参加CLEP考试, 人们可以通过自己的知识和能力获得学术认可, 不管他们的知识是如何或在哪里获得的. 截至2011年12月, the 立博体育官网 no longer administers the CLEP exam on site; however, the University continues to accept CLEP credits for transfer to help students meet their degree requirements.

Students interested in pursuing CLEP credit should follow the procedure below:

  • 核实课程学分. 在报名参加考试之前, it is important to check with your advisor and your college evaluator to make certain that the credits for the course can be applied to your degree program.
  • Check the 美国大学理事会网站 有关测试的更多立博网站中文版, 立博体育官网的同等课程, 考试学习指南, 以及测试中心的位置.
  • 报名参加考试 在中心,为您提供最方便的时间和地点.
  • 要求将CLEP成绩发送到立博体育官网. You will have an opportunity to do this when you sign onto the computer the day of the exam. 大学的测试代码是3436. Students should allow a minimum of three weeks from the time of their exam to when they need the credits to be posted on their 立博体育官网 transcript.


Individual departments may make the credit by exam option available to 立博体育官网 students. This option allows students to earn credit for specific courses by passing a comprehensive examination.


  • 学生与教授讨论通过考试获得学分的可能性.  如果教授同意,学生就继续.
  • 学生完成 考试入学申请
  • Student takes a copyto the department offering the class and obtains signatures of the Chair of the department offering the class and the Dean of the School in which the department resides.
  • 学生带着他们签名的申请表副本到学校 学生成功中心 并支付适当的费用.


立博体育官网's portfolio challenge program allows students to earn credit for learning that has taken place outside the academic environment. Basically, LINCS requires students to document learning related to specific courses offered by the University. 请联系 凯莉Westenfeld 了解更多立博网站中文版.

Transfer credit from other colleges is evaluated initially by the 本科 Admissions Office. 即使入学办公室已经接受了转学分, students must check with their college evaluators to determine how the credit will apply towards their degree program.



Regina C. Graziani

Sharron D. Dillon

Paige Bray
幼儿教育主任 & 蒙特梭利的研究; Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education & 蒙特梭利的研究


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